Lion Realistic Drawing Colored Pencil


Drawing a Lion with Coloured Pastel - Time-Lapse

Materials: Chalk-pastel coloring pencils, Charcoal Black Medium, Charcoal Black Medium Dark
Strathmore Bristol 300, Charcoal Primo, uni-ball Signo

Music: Elektronomia - Legacy (Instrumental Mix)


Today's I'm going to be doing a color pencil tutorial on how I drew this Lion that I created using Carbothello chalk pastel. The first thing that's really important is to make sure that you have an accurate sketch. I like to go in and draw the eyes on any animal that I do I always like to start with the eyes.


I"m drawing the darkest parts using the black charcoal and this is the pupil the areas around the eyes and I'm using some lighter shading to block in the shadows in the Iris as well. I'm just adding a very light layer and then I went and I added a base tone uses some light Browns and a darker Brown. Now I wanted to go on to the background and the rest of the fur and so I worked on the top half first. I kind of did it in like two stages, I like rendered the first half and then I went and did the bottom half.


The first thing that I'm doing is I'm just taking that light brown pastel pencil and very lightly. I just get in all of those in and what this does is it helps to see the structure of the animal really quickly because we've got all of the darkest areas in and then we can fill in all of the other base tones as well. I just filled in those black spots and I sketched them first so it's really easy to see where they were. Once I've got in all of the darkest areas I went in with a really light yellow pastel pencil and I just added a base tone across the whole area.


Once I added the base layer I went in with the brown and I started to build up some more of the darker shadows and just to add some more of a saturated look to certain areas and then I went in with the burnt umber which is a darker brown color and I just used this to really get in some of those darkest shadows and just indicate where the darker parts of the
fur was for the lightest areas.


I'll go in and add all of the detail on top and that's what I'm doing now and so the first color that I'm using is the white charcoal by General's and what I'm doing is I'm just creating all of the fur texture and create fur texture. The most important thing is to look at the direction that the fur is going in and also the length of the fur because around like the nose and that sort of sensual area the fur is quite short.


I'm just going over those black spots a bit more for a darker look and adding some more white to really hype up those highlighted areas just really make it pop and stand out and look nice and contrasting and now I'm blending that out. I'm being really careful not to smudge all of the blacks into the surrounding areas. I added some highlights to the nose using the white and just make everything pop and I also wanted to sketch in where the whiskers were. These are just some basic tips on how I draw the Lion and how to draw animals. Thank you, everyone!

Lion Realistic Drawing Colored Pencil


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