How to Make Anki Settings Default Again

Anki reviews are a strange thing. You may not await forward to doing them, but one time you get them done, you lot want that progress saved, forever. When I originally studied with Anki I always thought to myself "what would happen if I lost all my progress?!" That would be the end of the globe.

Lately on Jalup I've offered various upward dates (audio and revised content) to decks that were originally created several years agone. People that take been using these decks for years would similar these major updates, but not at the cost of losing review progress on all their cards.I had been asked repeatedly in the past if there was a way to solve this. I didn't accept an answer. I knew that in that location must be a manner, because Anki is extremely customizable. But no search on the cyberspace helped, and I couldn't effigy information technology out no matter how hard I tried. Things accept changed though. This was besides big an issue. Afterwards a mountain of trial and fault, I've reached a solution.

The following guide will accept around xxx-60 minutes to get through, depending on your experience with Anki. It'due south not necessarily hard, it just has many steps. I likewise wanted to exist over-inclusive, because I know some people aren't that familiar with Anki or spreadsheets. You can skip through parts that are obvious to you lot or you don't need.

one. Backup your current Anki deck

When you make a big change on Anki, always back up your existing deck, in case something goes incorrect. From the top left, Click File > Export; cull the deck you want to fill-in, making sure everything is checked off, and then click Export. Remember where you saved the deck.

2. Open your original Anki deck you desire to modify

For the purpose of this guide, I'm going to use Jalup Expert Phase i.

I started the deck, and learned xx cards (all graded 4), so that there are some cards that already accept progress and are scheduled. Y'all tin can tell this by the date being showed under due instead of the default Due #.

Information technology is much easier to add the new sound/content to one merged deck (containing thousands of cards), rather than go through each stage of 250 cards individually. So I highly recommend you merge stages if you haven't already. I'm just doing ane stage here for simplicity.

3. Add together a new blank field to your deck called Audio

While browsing your cards, click on the first card in Skillful, and then the Fields button.

Click the Add button and proper name your new field Audio. Then click Okay.

Y'all should now accept a bare audio field added to all of your cards.

If you lot take Adept merged with other decks similar Beginner, Intermediate, etc, those cards may have "Sound" and "Notes" fields depending on when y'all purchased them.

(This is what newly updated Jalup Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced cards await like)

This doesn't alter anything. Merely click on the first of your proficient cards, add in the audio field as shown above. But your expert cards will have the Audio field added at the end. All of your current Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced cards with their respective extra fields will remain the same.

iv. Add ii more than bare fields

Simply like you added Audio to a higher place, you are going to add two more new fields:

Expression NEW

*Fields > Add together > (enter field name) > Close

Afterwards y'all add these two in, here is what your fields volition expect like:

Why are we doing this? All new updated Jalup decks accept a Notes field. This made it easier to split up the definition and the explanatory examples. Y'all'll need this field when updating from a new deck version. Expression NEW will be explained further beneath.

5. Reposition the fields

Nosotros want our fields to be in the following lodge:

Expression NEW

Click on Notes > Reposition > (enter the number three) > OK

This moves Notes to the 3rd position.

Side by side, move Audio to the fourth position.

Here are the last results.

And then hit Shut. Check to make certain your cards expect like this:

6. Create a new profile

You need to go out away from your current deck y'all are working on.

In the top left, File > Switch Profile. Click Add and name your new profile whatever you desire (I'm calling it Jalup Expert Updated Content). Hit OK.

Double click on the profile to enter it. You should be sent to the default starting screen.

If you haven't already, purchase a deck update on Jalup (links at the bottom of this mail), and download the new fresh version, with updated content and audio. Go to wherever you download it, and double click on the Anki deck (the grey Anki icon with the deck name). This will automatically import the new deck into this new profile Jalup Expert Updated Content.

7. Open up your Anki2 Folder

Your Anki2 folder on your reckoner is where all your profiles, decks and media for your decks  are stored.

This can exist accessed by:

On Windows, the latest Anki versions shop your Anki files in your appdata folder. You can access it past opening the file manager, and typing %APPDATA%\Anki2 in the location field. Older versions of Anki stored your Anki files in a folder called Anki in your Documents folder.

On Mac computers, recent Anki versions store all their files in the ~/Library/Awarding Support/Anki2 folder. The Library folder is subconscious by default, but can exist revealed in Finder past holding down the selection key while clicking on the Go menu. If you're on an older Anki version, your Anki files volition be in your Documents/Anki folder.

If this is disruptive, in Windows, you just right click on the folder icon on your computer, open a file explorer, and copy and paste %APPDATA%\Anki2 in the address bar. Hit enter, and you should be brought to your Anki2 folder.

Here you'll see a list of your user profiles, and possibly an addons folder depending on plugins you use.

For this tuorial:

"Jalup Proficient" is my original profile (where all my original progress is)
"Jalup Expert Updated Content" is my new profile (where I uploaded the newest version)

8. Make certain yous are closed out of the program Anki completely

Anki warns about copying or moving your media drove while Anki is open. I'm non certain if this refers to adding media into the folder, just simply to exist safe, close out Anki if information technology is running.

9.  Open up your Collections.Media folder

Double click on your newly created contour (Jalup Practiced Updated Content).

Double click on your folder

Inside are the audio files from the update. Highlight all the mp3 files (Ctrl or Cmd A), and then copy them all (Ctrl or Cmd C). Become back 2 binder levels, to your profile list. Open up upward the original profile you always use. And then open its folder, and paste all of those copied mp3s into this folder.

You can close out all these folders once you are finished, as you won't be using them once more.

10. Open Anki and consign your regular deck

Open Anki again, using your original contour.

You are going to export the relevant deck using the aforementioned procedure as when you backed upwards your deck in Step 1 of this guide. Except this time, you lot are exporting the .txt version of this file.

On the peak left of the screen, File > Export; select the Export Format as "Notes in Plain Text" and set Includeto exist the deck you plan to add the audio/new conent to. Don't leave it as "All Decks."

Y'all should end up with a .txt file. I chosen mine Jalup Proficient Notes.txt.

11. Switch profiles, and export the updated content deck

Switch profiles to your updated content profile. Echo the above, exporting this new deck. I am exporting from my updated content contour chosen Jalup Expert Updated Content.

I chosen this new .txt file: Jalup Expert Notes File Updated Content.txt

*Afterward this, you can delete the updated content contour you lot were using and updated content deck from Anki.

12. Create a blank spreadsheet

I'thou going to use Google Sheets to explain this part, only you can do this with any spreadsheets program (like Excel).

13. Open up your original profile exported text file and copy all of the text

Open up the original .txt file, select and copy all of the text (Ctrl or Cmd A followed by Ctrl or Cmd C).

14. Paste in your newly created spreadsheet

Click on the kickoff cell A1. Then then click Ctrl or Cmd 5 to paste all of that text in. It should naturally fill up out iii columns, covering your expression, meaning and reading fields from your original deck. It'll look crowded and may be filled with html tags like <div>. This is normal.

15. Repeat steps 12-xiv for your updated content .txt file you exported

Repeat steps 12-14 above. Create a new spreadsheet. This time you are going to re-create the data from your 2d exported .txt file, into this new spreadsheet.

You'll discover a few things. First, there are 5 columns, corresponding to each of the 5 fields mentioned above. You'll likewise see it looks quite a scrap different than your original deck (for example in that location are no <div> tags). This is due to how the original decks were created. Updating them without these html <div> tags won't cause any issues.

16. Copy all of columns B through E on your Updated Content spreadsheet

You can do this in a number of ways, but I find holding down Ctrl or Cmd while clicking on each letter of the alphabet (B, C, D, E) easiest. Then you simply hitting Ctrl or Cmd C. Make certain this is from your updated content spreadsheet.

17.  Paste columns B through E on your Original Spreadsheet

In your original spreadsheet, click on cavalcade B1, then press Ctrl or Cmd V. You lot can likewise correct click on information technology and striking paste as well.

With this, your original spreadsheet volition accept columns B through E replaced with the updated content spreadsheet. The only column that will remain unchanged is column A.

18. Repeat steps 16-17

Using steps 16-17 above, y'all are going to re-create column A from Updated Content spreadsheet and paste information technology to column F of your original spreadsheet.

As of the writing of this guide, Jalup Practiced hasn't been updated yet, and then I'm going to artificially add in exclamation points to the end of each jail cell in column A of the Updated Content spreadsheet. I'yard doing this and then you can come across that the updated content is new and different from the original content.

Click on cell F1 this time in your original spreadsheet, Ctrl or Cmd V to paste in the content from Updated Content spreadsheet Column A.

For your reference, the content of this spreadsheet is as post-obit per column:

A: Expression (from your original cards)
B: Meaning (from updated content)
C: Notes (from updated content)
D: Audio (from updated content)
East: Reading (from updated content)
F: Expression NEW (from updated content)

You tin can at present delete the Updated Content spreadsheet, as this won't be used anymore. You will be using the original content spreadsheet (for me: Jalup Good Spreadsheet), that has these 6 columns fix.

19. Download or save your original spreadsheet as a .csv or .tsv file

You demand to convert your file type to either a .csv file or .tsv file. This makes each row  separated by either commas or tabs. It doesn't matter which you choose as Anki automatically detects which version is used. I'll use .csv for this tutorial.

My .csv file is called Jalup Expert Spreadsheet – Sheet1.csv

twenty. Gear up up the import of this new .csv file to your original Anki deck

In your original contour with your current decks, go to the deck screens.

File > Import; then choose the newly created .csv file.

The default import screen will popular upwards. Make certain the Deckfield is the original deck you plan on updating (mine is Jalup Expert – Stage i). If it is not, alter it to the right deck.

Click the Basic push and change it to Japanese (recognition), then press the Choose button.

You should now run into all the fields added that you had created, aligned properly in this order:

Click "Ignore lines where start field matches existing note." You need to change information technology to "Update existing notes when first field matches."

This part is extremely important, and is what allows you to keep your progress.

What this does is it checks your original deck'south first field (Expression) against the spreadsheet you are importing (and its column A). This is why nosotros re-create and pasted all columns from the updated content spreadsheet, only not column A on our original spreadsheet. If cavalcade A it isn't exactly the aforementioned, the spreadsheet import will only add together new cards, and not update your existing ones. Our actress column F is how we are going to work around updating column A with new content.

Finally, yous need to place a cheque on "Allow HTML in fields."

21. Click the import button

Make sure your import settings screen, which you configured in pace 20, looks exactly like this:

Click import.

22. Make sure the import completion screen is correct

If everything went well, y'all will get the post-obit finished box after completing the import. Depending on the corporeality of cards you are updating, you'll go a unlike number. I did this for 250 cards. Yous must get

0 notes added
250 notes updated (or whatever your number is)
0 notes unchanged

This is letting you know what the first field of your deck and your imported original spreadsheet A cavalcade are exactly the same. If this is not what your screen looks like, you did something incorrect along the fashion.

Click Close.

23. Bank check your deck

Assuming you saw the above box, when you search through your deck, your original due dates should all remain in tact. You should at present accept your other fields Notes (where applicative), Audio, and Expression NEW filled out for all of your cards.

24. Alter Expression NEW to Expression

You desire your Expression NEW to actually exist the Expression field. Expression NEW is merely a carve up field because of the technique we used higher up. Showtime, change your electric current Expression field, renaming it Expression Erstwhile.

With an expert card highlighted, click Fields > (click Expression) > Rename > Expression OLD > OK

It will expect like this:

At present select Expression NEW, and rename that to Expression:

Reposition this newly named Expression field to position i.

So hit delete, while highlighting Expression Former

Hit Yep, and and so Close.

The final result is the Expression field is now what was in your Expression NEW field, and the original expression field has been deleted. Yous can encounter below that all the new sentences that we added exclamation points to (to  show that it is the updated content)  are properly in the Expression field.

25. Add together in Expression, Notes and Audio to Bill of fare coding

While you lot have an Expert card selected, open up the card coding field by clicking Cards next to the Fields button

Your card template will look something like this:

You lot need to add together in the following text to the Front Template in betwixt the divs


And the following text to the bottom of the Back Template later {{Meaning}}


Information technology should wait something like this:

Your templates may look slightly unlike depending on how you organize your cards. But make certain the {{Expression}} is on the front and {{Notes}} and {{Audio}} are on the back.

Then click Close. This will add together {{Expression}}, {{Notes}}, and {{Audio}}  to all your cards at one time, so you don't need to do this for each carte.

You're Done!

Exam out your cards.

Your Expression field, meaning field, and reading field should exist the updated content (mine has assertion points for Expression), the notes field filled out (if at that place is a note for the card), and the audio should play. Brand sure when you first sync to your telephone, you lot give it some time. Suddenly adding 1,000 or two,000 audio files can take time. Your phone may announced frozen, merely it'll eventually become them all in.

Congrats if yous made information technology this far!

If you spot a mistake, or accept a question, permit me know in the comments.

In February of 2017, Jalup Kana, Beginner and Intermediate were massively updated to make them easier, including completely new and high quality audio for all 3. I  recommend updating these decks if yous purchased any of them earlier this date.

In Feb of 2018, Jalup Advanced was updated and new audio added. At the same, fourth dimension the ultimate versions of Jalup Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced were all released. These are serious improvements over all the decks taking from Jalup NEXT features, so if yous purchased before than, you may desire to update these decks.

In April 2018, the outset one-half of Jalup Expert will be updated and new audio added.

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